Monday, December 3, 2007

dvd-review: the Good Shepherd

the Good Shepherd, espionage, 2007. Director: Robert de Niro Runtime: 167 minutes dvd review.

Basically, the Good Shepherd is a little more than a espionage-film. It also tries to give an insight in the secret society called "Cross and Bones" where many CIA-agents were recruited from (like George Bush senior). Sounds like a great idea. Yeah.

I’m going to get straight to the bad news; I had a really hard time believing Matt Damon in the role of a spy during war time (I’m not talking Bourne here). Damon plays a bureaucratic pussy who gets sucked in the CIA without putting up a fight or even a word. He’s really a poet, who falls in love with a deaf girl (Pussy). Then he is forced to marry Angelina Jolie and fight the Russians. That sounds exiting, but it really isn’t. Instead of shagging the hell out of Jolie and kicking Russian ass, we see him reading files and making a lot of phone calls. Not exiting enough for you? He also can’t show love to his son who turns out to be a bit of a sissy. Surprising turns of events you say? Indeed.

Don’t get me wrong. I like Matt Damon -I personally don’t think that when you win a Oscar with your first script you take this as a reason never to put pen to paper again except sign million-dollar-contracts. But hey- He’s miscast. He just doesn’t have the right face (yet) to play a husband, a father and a senior spy. It takes a more experienced actor to make us believe in a really shallow character.

Maybe next time De Niro can leave the daddy-issues to Wes Anderson. I think Michael Caine said it best as Nigel Powers: “If you’ve got a daddy-issue, here’s a daddy-tissue.”
And next time he brings Joe Pesci out of eight(!) years of retirement, I don’t want him disappearing after two minutes. I want him stabbing people in the frigging neck with a f*cking pen.

Dvd-extra’s: behind the scenes, interviews, photos and to documentaries. Combined they add up to a total waste of time.

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