Tuesday, November 27, 2007

30 Days Of Night

Horror, 2007, Director: David Slade, Writers: Steve Niles, Stuart Beattie, Brian Nelson, Runtime: 113

Strange shit starts happening when a small town in Alaska is getting ready for 30 days of night. Sheriff Eben Oleson (Josh Hartnett) investigates and finds out all means of communication and transportation out of town are cut off. It appears a bunch of vampires chose the town as their 30 days of all-you-can-eat-buffet. Pretty soon the majority of the town gets murderd/eaten (as shown in a nice top-down point of view). A small group of people under command of sheriff Oleson, seeks shelter.

From there on out it's your average survival horror stuff. People get emotional, do dumb shit and end up as vampire breakfast (or dinner. It's hard to tell, since it's night all day). Which doesn’t mean this is an average movie. The pace is just high enough, the violence brutal and best of all: they made vampires scary again. These are predators who feed on human flesh, instead of dandy’s who like the occasional glass of blood. Unlike American Gangster, 30 days does go out with a bang, even if the ending doesn’t make any sense.

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